Cat Lopez Cat Lopez

Growing Pain(t)s Character Designs

My original characters created to tell the story of Xiomara, an Ecuadorian American teen navigating the trials and tribulations that come with high school. Along with her close group of friends, and a drive to get a scholarship to an art college, she will push on. Webcomic coming soon!

The Gonzalez family. Tío Pedro (uncle), Xiomara, Magda, Santiago “Tiago”, & Mami Isabel

Xiomara Gonzalez. 16 year old Ecuadorian American.

Julian Reyes. 16 year old Filipino American.

Joana Bautista. 16 year old Filipino American & Xiomara’s best friend.

Lana Persaud. 16 year old Guyanese American

Leo Torres. 16 year old Colombian American.

David Jackson. 16 year old Black American.

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